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Listen to Venture capitalist, Founder and Chair of TIE Angels Group, Seattle Haresh Ved on Techidesi

    On May 28th 2016, we had a great interaction with Haresh Ved. We tried to understand the perspective of a venture capitalist. We learnt what an investor looks

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An Introduction to Biometric Authentication Methods

Biometric authentication is a verification system that relies on unique biological characteristics of people to confirm their identity and enable secure access.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

The subject of fascination for many in tech is the future of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality,

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Ideas for a Differentiated Resume

They say, to get great work, you have to get noticed.

Egocentric Interaction — A Design and Modelling

Future Experiences will be Increasingly Physical-Virtual There is a growing consensus within the field of Human-Computer Interaction

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KPIs and Data Sciences!

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are so common place in measuring business performance. 

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Time Value of Data

“Justice delayed is justice denied,” is a statement we all have heard.

“Accelerate growth and expand margin” – Isn’t a buzz word statement anymore

Businesses love the statement “Accelerate growth and expand margin.”

Don’t just join the Bandwagon… Accelerate in Data Sciences

The ROI on sound Data Science investments is insanely high. Leaving money on table is never a good decision.