Tech Trends

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Technology Innovations that Improve Quality of Life for Senior Citizens

Amidst all the challenges that senior citizens face, living independently, managing health, and maintaining social connections are perhaps their most important priorities. Nowadays, many tech companies are focused on developing

How Venture Capitalists fund Start-ups

According to the MoneyTree Report, in 2015, Venture Capitalists (VC) invested $58.8 billion in start-ups across the U.S.

Why products like Google Glass were Unsuccessful in the Market

Wikipedia: Google started selling a prototype of Google Glass to qualified “Glass Explorers” in the US on April 15, 2013. For a limited period for $1,500, before it became available

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An Introduction to Biometric Authentication Methods

Biometric authentication is a verification system that relies on unique biological characteristics of people to confirm their identity and enable secure access.

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A Primer on Information Security

Nowadays, the value of a business is determined by the nature of data it handles,

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Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

The subject of fascination for many in tech is the future of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality,

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A primer on Speech to Text technology

You can use your voice to control your computer. You can utter commands that the computer will respond to using the speech to text functionality.